I turned the calendar page this morning.
These stinger stars herald the coming of Spring.
The Pawnee of the prairie called these stars,
"Swimming duck stars."
"Swimming duck stars."
They knew once these stars were visible in the early morning the prairie would soon be awaken by thunder and rain.
I read Earth and Sky every morning.
I read Earth and Sky every morning.
I think it will be nice for February decorating.
I read the first Wednesday of the month
was once called Unicorn Day.
I read the first Wednesday of the month
was once called Unicorn Day.
I love having an Unicorn Day.
I think I need a Dragon Day too.
Way too warn for February first.
A thunderstorm is forecasted for Friday.
100% chance of rain.
I am drinking my new favorite tea as I write this afternoon.
A thunderstorm is forecasted for Friday.
100% chance of rain.
I am drinking my new favorite tea as I write this afternoon.
We are choosing a paint color.
I am thinking bright and cheerful.
I am thinking yellow walls would be pretty.
My husband will work around my desk.
"No need to unplug," he said.
I do beleive in magic!
I shall write on my hat,
"Soon to see yellow."
Happy February!
"Soon to see yellow."
Happy February!