Winter Solstice Eve

on Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Solstice arrives at my house
tomorrow morning, 1:30 am cst.

I am celebrating today and tomorrow!

The sun was warm when I feed the birds.
I sat on the deck with them for a little while.
I said my prayers of gratitude.

My friend made me a white leather journal cover.
She made a Swan for the cover.
She knows the Swan is my teacher, a totem animal for me.
This is now my Swan Tales journal. It is a place for me to write my deepest desires. It is a place for me to dream.
I am very grateful to my friend. I will always treasure my journal.
I will write every day. I will send my friend a daily blessing.
We are kindred spirits. We walk the Red Road together.

My friend is a friend of the Wolf.
She has taught me to love the Wolf.
She has taught me to listen to the Wolf.
She is an artist. She lives the artful life.

Happy Capricorn!
It is my sun sign.
Happy Birthday to all my fellow Capricorns.

These are Capricorn the Unicorn days.
These are magical days.
These are the days of the return of light.

My study of W.W.II continues.
Everyday I am seeking war news. Listening on line to old radio broadcasts. I am reading on line newspapers from the war years.
Everyday I am seeking how the war influenced my parents.
I am understanding them better. I am understanding myself. I am understanding where I came from. I am understanding why I do what I do.
I am looking at propaganda today.
I am studying how different countries influenced their people.
How support was gathered.
The war began in Europe on September 1, 1939.
 December 21, 1941 is day 843.
On December 21, General George S. Patton
 was killed in an auto accident.
 In 1943, December 21st, Bing Crosby's
White Christmas was number one on the charts.
I can still hear my Mother singing this song as she addressed her Christmas cards.
I have asked Eleanor Roosevelt
to help me in my study.
I have her autobiography too.
I am excited.
I think Eleanor Roosevelt influenced a generation of women.
My Mother and Grandmother included. 
There are many ways to know one's self.
Friends and family can mirror to us who we are.
As you gather together this Holiday may you understand a wee bit better the people and events in your life.
If you are staying home, saving fuel for the troops, or just watching your carbon footprint, may you dream
dreams of a lasting world peace. May this peace that passes all understanding carry you into 2012.
We are one with the Birds, the Swans, the Wolf.
We are one with the Butterflies,the bees
and Friends in far away places, far away times.

I am knitting in the evenings.
I am spinning.
I am celebrating
the return of light.
Happy Winter Solstice.